Bachleda Family

Being the first session after my week of vacation + being absolutely adorable = REALLY long blog post!


Or…not 🙂My new favorite extended family shot!!

I mean shot(S)!
I can barely handle the cuteness!

Sidenote…I need new bubbles, but they still totally chased the few that eeked out haha.LOVE this next shot of Olivia!!

The LIGHT!  Her smile!!And…that smirk. 😉Olivia “flying”….my fav!Could they be any cuter??

NO!I would normally merge a few of these shots into one great shot, but…

I love them all as they are for different reasons!!

So….And ending with one of my favorite things…

Silhouettes with our amazing skies!!Thank you all so much for braving the COLD and traipsing all over the park!

I had so much fun with you all!



Hi there



5 Random Facts...

1) I laugh a LOT and... it's loud!  My daughter said "I laugh like a kid.  I'll take it!

2)  I love to DIY, and stupidly say "I can do that!" more than I should... :)

3)  My degree is in fashion design.  I love how you can express yourself with clothes and LOVE to thrift!  

4)  My favorite sound is my daughter's laughter.  Thankfully she laughs a lot too!

5)  I'm an overuser of the "!"  I just can't help myself!! :)