Mom and Dad~40th anniversary… {1 month early}

I had thought about saving this post for their actual anniversary, which is next month, but just couldn’t wait…

I am so blessed to have a amazing, supportive, loving parents.  I’m even luckier to have grown up watching them be loving and supportive to each other. During one of our dinners on vacation we started talking about relationships and marriage.  One of the best line from it came after we talked about the old saying~Women get married thinking they can change their husband.  Men get married hoping their wives will never change.

My dad looks at my mom and lovingly says “You’ve never changed”, and my mom looks at him and says “Neither have you…”  ha ha ha.  Well, after 40 years they obviously found the positive things in each other balance out the negative  🙂

I love this next one.  We literally had 15 minutes to take these pictures before we had to leave and go pick up Houston from the airport.  This would be the 3 minute time check, before we ran and jumped in the car!

Looking forward to the 50th anniversary celebration!

Hi there



5 Random Facts...

1) I laugh a LOT and... it's loud!  My daughter said "I laugh like a kid.  I'll take it!

2)  I love to DIY, and stupidly say "I can do that!" more than I should... :)

3)  My degree is in fashion design.  I love how you can express yourself with clothes and LOVE to thrift!  

4)  My favorite sound is my daughter's laughter.  Thankfully she laughs a lot too!

5)  I'm an overuser of the "!"  I just can't help myself!! :)